12 Weight Loss Hacks That work

losing weight takes Camiseta Sport Club Internacional work—there’s just no getting around that fact. but the journey to health and fitness doesn’t have to be a painful, uneasy slog. These Fitbit users discovered that a few easy swaps and some basic methods were all they needed to idea the scales in the ideal direction. here are their twelve best weight loss hacks—plus, links to their full success stories, so you can find even a lot more inspiration to help you hit your goals!

12 Weight Loss Hacks That Work

1. have the ideal mindset. “I told myself I wasn’t going Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Japón to let life kick my butt, I was going to kick its butt. You have to remind yourself where you were and where you want to be, and find ways to just keep going.” —Casey C., 30, from Greenfield, IN.

2. break up your big goals. “I would always set small goals, like just losing five pounds, instead of a big goal of losing 50 pounds. That kept me motivated because I was always on my way to accomplishing my next goal.” —Arvindu S., 26, from Guyana, a country in South America

3. Come up with a basic formula. “I realized that if I walked 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day and ate 1500 to 1600 calories a day, I would lose weight. It’s a basic way to break down what I need to do.” —Cathy Z., 50, St. Paul, MN

4. Go gradual when upping intensity. “I started out running one mile and walking two. then I started running two miles and walking one. then running three miles and walking one. now I run three miles and walk two, and I do that three or four days a week.” —Ebony T., 45 from Dallas, TX

5. sleep your way fit. “I was a lot more motivated to be active and would be up for hiking, surfing, or running. I never thought I would see all of those benefits from sleeping better. I think sleep was the missing component all along!” —Kaiwiola C., 37, from Honolulu, HI

6. get pals in on the challenge. “[My pals and I] would do weekly challenges against each other. I found a competitive spirit that I didn’t even know I had. My pals would see how lots of steps I was getting and would [taunt] me to go to sleep and stop walking—that just made me want to keep going!” —Arvindu S.

7. change how you view food. “I used to see food as a source of comfort and eat until I was full. now I see it as fuel and eat until I’m satisfied. once I started thinking of food that way, it became a lot much easier to choose the healthiest things.” —Casey C.

8. look at added sugar. “I used to eat two containers of yogurt a day, but then I observed that each one had 20 grams of sugar! You really have to pay attention to labels at the store—things that are fat-free might be packed with sweeteners to make up for it.” —Amanda L., 34, from Chambersburg, PA

9. get smart about dining out. “You might think that a salad is healthy, but with the cheese and ranch dressing on top, it can have as lots of calories as a burger. a lot of chain restaurants have their calorie counts online, so it helps to look up menu Camiseta Palmeiras items beforehand so you aren’t fooled by something that sounds healthy.” —Amanda L.

10. remind yourself to hydrate. “I actually write ‘drink water’ down in my planner so I don’t forget to drink while I’m at work. I know water intake is crucial and otherwise I’ll forget. —Kaiwiola C.

11. Be sneaky when you drink. “Instead of ordering vodka with a splash of soda water, I buy soda water with a splash of vodka and lots of extra ice. It’s best for when I want to have a drink without having too lots of calories.” —Ebony T.

12. just keep tracking. “I really made an effort to track all of my habits, and I encourage others to do the same. even if you don’t make any changes at first. just observe what you’re doing, and then decide what needs to change, so you can get healthier and feel better about yourself.” —Haley S., 24, Amarillo, TX

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This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You must not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

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